Masque LLLT Traitement

Stye and chalazion treatment

Dealing with a chalazion? Have a stye that’s becoming painful? Contact our specialists today to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

Consultation for a Chalazion

Treatment that’s tailored to your needs


Treatment that’s tailored to your needs


See an optometrist


Get a treatment plan


Monitoring your progress

Putting cutting-edge technology at the service of your eye health

Recent advancements in low-intensity laser technology provide us with new tools to treat chalazions painlessly.

With advanced technology such as low-level laser therapy (LLLT), VU offers treatments that are safe, effective and painless. Our extensive training and expertise allows us to optimize the eye care process at every step. While our treatments cannot replace surgery, they do have an excellent success rate when carried out at an early stage of chalazion development.

Our optometrists always stay up-to-date on best practices and the latest advancements in the field. VU has expertise you can trust.


Frequently asked questions

Styes and chalazia are not dangerous, but they can be bothersome. If you’re affected by one of these conditions, you may have a lot of questions. In this section you’ll find answers from our experts to the most frequently asked questions on the subject.

What is a stye?

Can I pop a stye myself?

Are styes contagious?

How long does a stye last?

What is a chalazion?

What’s the difference between a chalazion and a stye?

How long does a chalazion last?

When should I see an optometrist for a chalazion?

Our team will listen to you

We believe that exceptional service begins with close attention to your needs. Find out more about our team. We’re ready to welcome you at our clinic.

Dre Sylvie Tétreault O.D.


Dre Sylvie Tétreault O.D.

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Delphine Gaudin O.D.


Delphine Gaudin O.D.

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Dr. Pierre-Jean Bernard O.D.


Dr. Pierre-Jean Bernard O.D.

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Dre Perla Azar O.D.


Dre Perla Azar O.D.

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Dr. Olivier Patry O.D.


Dr. Olivier Patry O.D.

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