Eye health

Eye exams at the optometrist can detect ocular diseases!

People often mistakenly think eye exams at the optometrist are only about whether or not glasses are needed. Of course, these exams are used to assess the need for vision correction, but they also assess overall eye health and can detect diseases such as glaucoma, cancer or cataracts.

Eye exams at the optometrist can detect ocular diseases!

Eye health

Different eye diseases that can be detected by eye exams

Over time, eyes can lose their strength and visual acuity can decrease. Various diseases can also develop and could affect your quality of life. For example, glaucoma is characterized by damage made to the optic nerve, which irreparably affects your vision. Cataracts occur when the lens, located behind the pupil of the eye, loses its transparency. By becoming more opaque, the lens cause the vision to blur. People often don’t consider this, but even cancer can develop in the eye. Since eye exams can detect many diseases, we should be talking about complete eye exams! Although traditional optometrist tools can detect certain eye diseases, OCT scanners have the advantage of being able to detect them at their earliest stage.

Opt for the best eye exam with OCT

OCT uses an optical signal to process the information. By using light instead of ultrasound or radio frequencies, images come out in higher resolution. Thus, OCT can provide three-dimensional quality images to properly assess tissues. Thanks to three-dimensional images, optometrists can finally detect early signs of eye disorders such as certain diseases of the retina or optic nerve, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy. Many of these illnesses take a long time to show symptoms. It is therefore important to be regularly examined by an optometrist to stop the disease’s progression at its earliest stage. OCT offers rapid assessment and comfort regarding eye exams since it examines the eye without even touching it.

OCT scanning: How it works

During eye exams, some optometrists offer optical coherence tomography (OCT). OCT is a non-invasive imaging test that uses light waves to take cross-sectional pictures of the light-sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye, the retina. This type of scanner does not require any prior preparation nor ionizing radiation such as X-rays.

OCT allows for deeper exploration of eye structures, including the anterior and posterior segment of the eye. Your cornea is therefore also examined during the eye exam. More precisely, this type of scanner makes it possible to obtain real-time imaging of shallow areas, with a resolution close to micrometric. Imaging of the current state of ocular tissue morphology is therefore direct and instantaneous. Thus, this new scanner distinguishes itself by its safe and painless method, efficiency and accuracy. It is also the most developed tool on the market when it comes to detecting any deterioration of the eye i.e., age-related degeneration.

Our eyes are more than precious; thanks to them we can appreciate the beauty of the world. We must take care of them! When choosing an optometrist, it is necessary to ensure that the professional has access to the best eye exams. At VU optometrist in Montreal, our optometrists and opticians are proud to offer Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), a rare service in Quebec that will benefit your eyes.