Eye exam

Eye exam for adults and seniors

In adulthood, vision tends to stabilize. From 18 to 40 years of age, physiological changes to the eye are rare. However, they can sometimes happen if we make lifestyle changes, such as taking a new job or starting a new routine...

Eye exam for adults and seniors

Eye exam

Vision symptoms before consulting an optometrist

Glaucoma: this gradually destroys vision and is accompanied by pain in the eye, redness of the eyes, and shadows and bright flashes that disturb your vision.

Presbyopia: this manifests itself through eye fatigue, headaches and blurred vision.

Cataract: the view becomes blurred, you may experience veiled or double vision.

Eye exam for adults: prevention is better than a cure

These diseases must be detected as soon as possible by the optometrist so that in the case of eye disorders, you can be fitted with prescription eyeglasses, sunglasses or other eyewear. It is recommended that a vision test be carried out at around the age of 40, and even if the results do not indicate any danger, it is still preferable to do a follow-up test every two year. However, some health problems such as diabetes or hereditary conditions may require the optometrist to increase the frequency of eye exams.

The role of the optometrist for seniors

As we grow older, our body undergoes changes, and these changes affect the eyes. Wear and tear on the eyes increases the risk of eye diseases such as presbyopia, which is almost irreversible after the age of 65 years. It can affect some people more than others. This does not mean that you have to stop your activities – you can continue to read and carry out your hobbies; these activities will not make things worse, but consulting an optometrist is nevertheless essential; if necessary, he will prescribe glasses and sunglasses according to his diagnosis.

Symptoms that point to a consultation with an optometrist

As you get older, some eye disorders cannot be avoided. If you are experiencing some of the following symptoms, it is high time to see an optometrist for treatment. Objects may change shape, or become blurred when they are in the centre of the field of vision. Colours may seem insipid, eyelids may droop, and light causes instant glare. You need to be very careful because some eye changes at this age may be signs that the worst is yet to come.

More frequent eye exams

Ocular diseases that seem innocuous can quickly become complicated for an older person, and you need to follow a more regular schedule for follow-up. It is advisable to have an eye exam annually so that the optometrist can study how our vision is evolving, and he will recommend the proper frequency for appointments according to the physiology and the past history of each eye. Note that specific tests may be requested, depending on the condition of the patient, so additional fees will not be covered.

At VU Eyewear in Montreal, our optometrists and opticians are specialists in all eye disorders, regardless of age. Make an appointment to visit us now for a vision test