Eye health
Dry eye syndrome : a frequent condition
Having dry eyes may seem harmless at first, but when it starts to disrupt with your vision and quality of life,, it’s important to act preemptively e and to find an efficient solution.
Get guidance from our vision care team on subjects like visual wellness, preventing eye diseases, the current trends in eye care and glasses frames and much more.
Eye health
Having dry eyes may seem harmless at first, but when it starts to disrupt with your vision and quality of life,, it’s important to act preemptively e and to find an efficient solution.
Eye exam
Routine visits to the optometrist tend to be underestimated, indeed we rarely go see one. However, this medical examination is essential to detect and even prevent certain diseases and vision disorders: age, vision problems, pain, fatigue, etc.
Eye health
Ophthalmic migraine can affect anyone, men and women of any age. Fortunately, there are natural remedies. Here is a list of solutions to relieve this type of pain.
Just like glasses, sunglasses adapt to your face shape and to each seasonal trend. VU optometrists have structured a complete guide to find the frame that suits you best and will help you shine all summer long!
Advices & tips
Good glasses are the gateway to maintaining healthy eyes, and avoiding worsening your visual acuity. Our passionate VU optometrists give you all their best advice!
In recent years, the number of online sales sites for eyeglasses and sunglasses has skyrocketed. Our optometrists breakdown why you should be cautious of buying you glasses online in 4 points.
The perfect summer fashion accessory, an essential item to spend your afternoons on the terrace or on the beach, yes, what else could we be talking about? Sunglasses, useful and stylish.
Eye health
People often mistakenly think eye exams at the optometrist are only about whether or not glasses are needed. Of course, these exams are used to assess the need for vision correction, but they also assess overall eye health and can detect diseases such as glaucoma, cancer or cataracts.
Eye health
Cataracts are an eye condition causing opacification of the lens, the normally translucent lens that allows the eye to adjust the focal length of the projected image on the retina. Regular eye exams in Montreal allow your optometrist to identify cataracts before serious eye damage affects...
When driving, the legislation is very strict and rightly so, the poor visual acuity of a driver represents a great danger to you and to other drivers on the road. Optometrists offer eye exams in Quebec to evaluate your vision and decide whether you are able to drive, with or without eyeglasses...
Once the choice of colours for the shade of sunglasses has been made, added UV protection is a must to adequately protect your eyes. We tend to think that the more opaque and darker our sunglass lenses are, the more they protect us from the sun. This is absolutely wrong...